Bind windows 10.How to Remove the New Key Mapping

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Parameters.Bind windows 10


Ask a Question. Related Articles. SharpKeys is an open-source software that allows you to reassign your keyboard buttons on Windows. Once downloaded, unzip the file. Double-click SharpKeys. This launches SharpKeys for the first time. Click Add at the bottom-left corner of SharpKeys. This will allow you to add a new keyboard button configuration. In the left column, click the key you want to reassign.

For example, if you want to change your keyboard's Caps Lock button to Space, find and select Caps Lock on the left list. Select a new function from the right column. The new functions appear in the "To this key" column. For example, if you're changing your Caps Lock button to Space, find and select Space on the right list. Click the OK button. Now that you've made this change, your configuration is saved.

However, you'll still need to make a change to your registry. Click Write to Registry at the lower-right corner. You'll probably need to click OK to give admin permission to the app before it can write to the registry. Once written, you'll still have one more step to complete. The new key configuration won't work until you reboot your computer. Once your computer comes back up, the key will be remapped.

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You Might Also Like How to. How to. About This Article. Co-authored by:. Co-authors: 2. Updated: June 2, Categories: Windows.

Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 33, times. Find the downloaded file, right-click on it and choose Properties, then tick the Unblock checkbox as shown below, and finally click on OK. Just extract it to a temporary folder for now, the installation routine will create the folder into which BIND will actually be installed. So you may want to do this next part whilst logged-on as the built-in local Administrator account.

That makes it a lot easier when it comes to specifying the path in any configuration files, or when running tools from the command line. Do not enter Administrator here! That would be a terrible idea since it means that if someone manages to exploit your BIND instance they will have full control over your Windows Server.

Choose a unique username for the service, along with a suitably secure password. The installation applet will create the user account with the specified password and grant it appropriate Logon as a Service rights. Click on Install and the installation applet will start the installation process.

If you switched to using the built-in Administrator account then you can now log off and log back on as your normal user account. The BIND command line utilities are all stored in the bin subfolder of the installation folder. Take a look at one of the following guides depending upon your intended use:.

Skip to content. Make sure your Windows Server is fully patched and up-to-date then move on to Step 2.



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